A note on Mental Noting and why it helps

Our thinking mind is often a powerful source of distraction in our everyday lives. It produces A LOT of thoughts, a lot of them can be negative and you may not even be aware of them.

The result of those invisible or unconscious worrying thoughts? Feelings of anxiety, depression, overwhelming emotions, and disconnection from yourself and others.

Mental noting is not about controlling your thoughts but simply observing them. It’s about being attentive and remembering that you are mindful.

How it works:

  • Find a comfortable place where you won't be disturbed

  • Set a 5 minute timer

  • Write down each thought that comes into your mind

  • No judgments, just write them down

Why do this?

Over time this will make you more aware of any negative thoughts that could be affecting your mood without you realising. It allows you to face the thoughts you have and deal with them rather than be passive to your mind and your mood.


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